
Tag: personalization

Configurable actions

We are happy to announce that the Actions Menu of the Editor (Save, Close, Undo/Redo) is now configurable. This can be done with the new actions configuration in Pixo.Bridge: new Pixo.Bridge({ …, actions: [ … ], }); The default value can be seen as the Pixo.ACTIONS_MENU constant. It is array, containing 4 objects: Pixo.ACTIONS.SAVE_CLOSE Pixo.ACTIONS.UNDO Pixo.ACTIONS.REDO Pixo.ACTIONS.CLOSERead More

Update on recent changes

Hi folks, Long time no hear… But we keep ourselves busy 🙂 Here’s a list with some recent improvements. Improved loading If you send to the editor url to image to be edited, the url’s domain should be either the same as your site, or should have CORS enabled. Pixo requires servers to serve imagesRead More