
Tag: tutorial

Example: Watermark

A watermark is a logo, a piece of text or signature imposed onto an image. Watermarks are typically transparent, so those viewing the image can still admire it. Watermarking images can also protect the copyright – ensuring others don’t use the image without the owner’s permission. With this example you’ll learn how to impose watermarksRead More

Create templates and apply them to users’ images

Pixo supports templates for quite some time. But we were getting so many support questions how do they work and how they can be used. Therefore, we decided to make this quick tutorial. Pixo Templates are actually a pre-defined set of actions that will be applied to end users’ images when they open Pixo Editor.Read More

Tutorial: Integrate Pixo in Vue app

This post is part from series of posts related to integrating Pixo into most popular frameworks. You may check also: Integrate Pixo in Angular app Integrate Pixo in React app You can check the example and the source code here. Create new Vue app We start with creating a boilerplate app. We need Vue-CLI forRead More

Tutorial: Integrate Pixo in React app

This post is part from series of posts related to integrating Pixo into most popular frameworks. You may check also: Integrate Pixo in Angular app Integrate Pixo in Vue app You can check the example and the source code here. Create new React app We start with creating a boilerplate app. We need Create-React-App-CLI forRead More

Tutorial: Integrate Pixo in Angular app

This post is part from series of posts related to integrating Pixo into most popular frameworks. You may check also: Integrate Pixo in React app Integrate Pixo in Vue app You can check the example and the source code here. Create new Angular app We start with creating a boilerplate app. We need Angular-CLI forRead More